This was the most wonderful vacation! Micah and I had a great time- Maybe I should not speak for him because he had to work:). Ok- I had a great time. It was wonderful to try and find my way by myslef in a foreign land. Talk about getting outside of your comfort zone!
The scenery is like something out of a fairy tale. The small towns are
so enchanting. Getting lost is even a pleasure! The pictures don't do the place any justice. This is a picture that we took from the Heidelburg Castle of the town below and the Neckar River. It rained much of the time and was cold but that did not dampened our spirits.
We vistited our friends, the Van Essens, who just moved to the Manheim area and heard their stories of getting settled and figuring everything out. Kimber was a gracious host even though Jeramy was away on a trip.
It was hard to leave such a wonderful place to come home but we missed the kids and remembered what a wonderful life we have back here. It is really good to be home!