So, with that, here is the summer so far. I know it may seem like the longest blog post ever and like I chose every picture that we have. However, we have a thousand and one pictures and it was very hard to choose.
The kids all took swim lessons this year along with Naomi's best pal Paisley. The beginning of June in Iowa is not exactly balmy, its not even warm actually. Most days were in the 60's and they left the pool with blue lips in sweatshirts. Isaiah and Naomi both are able to swim pretty well on their own and they are so happy about that. Levi just thinks its fun to sit on the bottom of the pool with his eyes open.
Naomi and Paisley attended a dance camp. Boy was this interesting. Um, I don't even know what to say. We aren't doing that again.
We have spent lots of time at the lake having camp fires with new friends, among other things. The kids ride bikes all day and play in the blow up pool and sprinkler. We have also purchased 160 sparklers, 800 water balloons, and lots of smores ingredients. Micah and Isaiah obtained a inner tube and floated down the river. I have been reading on the deck with a big glass of lemonade.
We finished up baseball and Isaiah loved it. I did too. It doesn't get any cuter than those little buns in those little baseball pants.
We have had multiple cookouts with our small group including this one for Independence Day. It was a hilarious event as Levi entertained us all by just being himself. If you hang around him for more than 5 minutes you will know what I mean. He is a very fast moving bundle of JOY. Isaiah lost a second tooth in his can of lemonade. There was lots of lightening bug catching and sparkler enjoyment. We watched the fireworks together to end the evening.
Grandma and Grandpa Steele have been making more frequent visits to Dubuque. It's been super fun.
Lots of bike riding has been going on.
We finally dug out the owners manual for our camera and we are attempting to learn how to use the thing. Here is quite possibly our favorite picture of the summer just because he is so darned cute and that personality is just unbelievable. I've caught myself thinking and saying out-loud lately that God must have known when he added Levi to our family that we would be reminded how to relax, have a lots of fun, and not take things so seriously.
Absolutely. Adorable.