She is a very sweet child – she has chubby cheeks and a chubby little belly. Her legs are thinner, but not skinny – also, not chunky. When I first saw her, I was very surprised to see her lip had been repaired! According to the orphanage staff, it was done about 2 weeks ago. Her palate has not been repaired.She has one little tiny tooth that has just popped thru on the bottom left/front. She weighs around 7 kilograms (15.4 lbs). I held her and played with her for about an hour – in that time I learned:- she has very good eye contact and loves when people talk to her- she enjoys being bounced- she has ticklish feet- she grabbed onto my finger many times and has a strong grip- she can bear weight on her legs, but needs practice doing this- she cannot sit unsupported but has good head control- she laughs when you fly her up in the air – but not too high, or too fast as that scares her – there is a thin line between funny and scared- she likes when you tickle her chin/neck- she loves peek-a-boo- once she gets to know you, I think she will love to spin… I tried to spin her (me standing, holding her, turning around in a circle) and she thought she liked it but was a bit unsure… I’m thinking she has never done that before.We took about 25 pictures. We also took pictures of her hands and feet – because I love baby hands and feet.
Happy dance...
The Lord is at work in our hearts over here. Praise His glorious name!