Monday, October 3, 2011

Praise God.

We are so excited to announce that we are expecting a baby girl!  We are thrilled that God has chosen us to be her parents and we are very much looking forward to bringing her home.  Her birthday is February 24, 2011- which makes her 7 months old!  Her name is Xie Rong Tang and she is currently in Fuzhou at the Fuzhou Child Welfare Center.  As far as we know she has unrepaired cleft lip and palate and we are not sure if she will have any surgical procedures before she comes home.  We hope to get more info on her in a couple of weeks.  One of the staff from our agency is planning to visit her during a trip next week and promises to give her some snuggles and have some questions answered for us.  We are also hoping for some more pictures of our sweetie. They tell us that travel time is 4-9 months from now.  Ouch.  If I call and whine to you about the horrible misery involved in waiting for your baby laying in a crib (or sitting in a weird home-made bamboo high chair)  half way across the world please say the following things to me:

  • Our father in heaven already knows the day and time that she will come home.
  • His timing is perfect.
  • He loves her infinitely more than you do and more than you can imagine.
  • He knows exactly what she needs and he will provide those things for her, seein as how he loves her so much.
So, anyway, without further is our new beauty whom we have decided to name Phoebe.

Phoebe Glenn Rongtang Steele, we love you already and we can't wait to touch you!  

Please join us in praying for our sweetie.  Prayer requests are as follows:
  • That she feels loved and cared for and that her physical needs are being met daily.
  • That the Lord would be preparing her for a big transition to our home.
  • That we would be able to bring her home before her first birthday.
I think that's all for now, I'm sure Ill think of more.  Thank you all for your love and support.  It is such an encouragement to us when you celebrate with us!

A couple more pics and info...

Fuzhou, Fujian China

This is the CWI where she lives.

This is where our paperwork currently resides.
Hurry up Ya'll!



the keith fam said...

We are beyond thrilled and excited for your beautiful princess to come home! God is so AMAZING to give you such a precious girl with cheeks that I can't wait to kiss :) We are praying for you as you 'wait'...welcome back to pregnancy 101! We need to know, did our family vote count in the final vote for Phoebe? :) Love you guys!

mama2dibs said...

Oh, Jamie! She's beautiful! And what a gorgeous name to go with such a pretty little girl! I am so excited for you!

stephanisteele said...

We're praising God with you! He is so GOOD and she is so gorgeous!!! Can't wait for her to get into the mix and for our newest addition to have a little someone closer to his/her size to play with!

Jones Family said...

So exciting!! She's precious! Love the name. Love seeing how the Lord is using you all in the lives of 4 precious children.

J-D-K-G said...

Amazing news, Micah and Jamie! Will look forward to seeing your progress toward bringing her to Iowa!! God bless!