Friday, February 26, 2010
Did I mention...
that we are leaving in 4 days?!?!?!? I am going to a womens retreat this weekend and I am so glad so that I am not repacking our suitcases all weekend just for something to do for passing the time.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Well, We are getting ready to leave soon and we are sooo ready! We have really been preparing for our big trip around here and it is exciting. I have enjoyed spending some alone time with the kids this week with no other commitments. Bible study and prayer has been an important part of preparation for me as I am eager to stay close by Him, excited to see what He is doing in our lives and how he is working as this journey continues to unfold. Countless other items have been marked off the list such as:
- Meals made and in the freezer
- The biggest grocery store run of all time completed
- Levi's suitcase almost packed
- Kids all packed for Grandma and Grandpa's house
- All electronics checked for successful performance
- Travel plans finalized
Um, what else?? We still have to pack mine and Micah's stuff and clean the house one last time before departure. Micah still has to finish with the stair treads and risers and we have to tear out more carpet and linoleum. Oh...I guess there are a million other little things.
I'm sure I was awake at least an hour after I got in bed last night which is very unusual for me. I even woke up Micah from a dead sleep to remind him of something we need to remember. I have followed lots of other families journeys on their blogs and I wondered countless times how I would feel when it was our turn and now I know...Yay, I can't wait!! I thought I would be nervous and intimidated but I am totally at peace and I am amazed at how God has prepared us for this time. Woohoo! As I lay in bed thinking of many things to be done my mind is ultimately pulled to the person we are waiting to meet and I think...
We are coming to bring you home little guy! I hope they show you our photo album everyday and point to the pictures and tell you who we are. I pray that God has been and will continue to prepare your heart for this huge step in your life. I pray that the moment you see us you will know our love for you and that your father in heaven will use us to teach you his amazing love for you. We can't wait to finally see your face and touch you. We love you so much!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
New living room...mmmm, nice
This new carpet free living is really growing on me. The amount of dirt, dust, and nasty grime we discovered in doing this project has been eye opening. Anyway, the new and improved living room is fun I think. That nice clean floor is just waiting for some boogers to be wiped on it.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Home Improvement- 2nd Edition
Things are moving right along over here. It looks great. Here are our bedrooms. I don't have any before and after photos but for those of you who know what it looked like before it's kinda fun to see.

Here is the living room...hopefully it will look very different by tomorrow night.
And lets not forget the dinning and kitchen area...oh joy. ;)
It's gonna be SOOOO nice!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Date Day
Today we decided to have boy time and girl time so the boys went to the symphony and the girls went out for some chocolate and shopping. Isaiah looked so handsome in his suit that I forgot that I had which previously belonged to Shane Van Essen and then Caden Hill if I remember correctly. Isaiah was excited to see some violinists who have practiced for many years and to learn about the other symphony instruments. Naomi was excited to pick ONE new dress. She is a shopaholic already. We left Old Navy with 2 dresses and some pink shoes. It was just too hard to decide! (She totally twisted my arm.)
Friday, February 12, 2010
Levi and Friends
Yesterday a wonderful gift arrived AGAIN! Who could have guessed that I would befriend a woman half way across the country that would send me gifts so precious? Fonnetta and her family just got back from getting their daughter Makayla who is the same age as Levi. They are in lots of picures together. She had sent a camera for the caregivers to take pics of her daughter in the orphanage and she emailed me yesterday with some pictures. Makayla is in the front and Levi is behind her. Based on the info that she gave me about Makayla, I am assuming that Levi is in 18-24 mo clothes, takes two bottles a day, and will probably be in a crib when he gets here. Gotta get shopping and packing!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Home Improvement- 1st Edition
As a courtesy to Aunt Gail :) I thought I would let you know what we are doing with the good ole homestead. So far our main living space has been repainted (living room, kitchen, dining room, and the two main stairwells) and have begun installing wood in the upstairs. All the carpet above the basement will soon be gone! The upstairs bedrooms and the livingroom will have wood flooring to match the kitchen and dining room. Micah is happier than ever about this because since tearing all of the carpet out in just Naomi's room he has had great trouble breathing and has used his inhaler much more than normal. We will also have two bathrooms painted and tile on the laundry room level of the house. Our friend Jeremy Hoy is doing all of the work for us so we get the pleasure of having his daughter for the duration of the job. Paisley is keeping Naomi busy since they are the same age. We are on week number 2 of this adventure with several more to go. We will feel like we are coming home to a new house when we get back from China! The above pic is of Naomi's room and the hall.
Monday, February 8, 2010
And the tickets are purchased!

Yep, that is our plane waiting for us. We leave on March 3rd and return on the 19th!! I can't believe it actually. It will be here before I know it. We are doing a home renovation project right now and I am thankful that it is keeping my mind off of the waiting. Just wanted to keep you faithful blog stalkers updated on our progress! Yipeeeee!
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