Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Baptism Video

Back in March, during our vacation to Savannah, GA with the Steele family, Rick and Gwen were baptized by Micah and Joel in the Atlantic. It was an event we don't want to forget, so we've compiled a video to help crystallize the memory.
Baptism is an important symbol of God's people "dying" to sin, and being resurrected with Christ through faith. The credit for the blessings we have as a family go to Christ alone -- he has been so faithful and graceful to us.

For a high-resolution version to watch or download, click the link below.


Chris, Renae & Annie said...

Micah and Jamie - thank you for sharing this. What a beautiful moment - I cried through the video. And what a testament of a family, beautiful and humbling.

And this makes me miss the two of you so much!

J-D-K-G said...

I concur with Renae-absolutely beautiful and I remain teary. Praise be to Jesus!